Niels Birbaumer
Professor emeritus
Universität Tübingen
Niels Birbaumer is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Tübingen. Niels Birbaumer is the most cited German Neuroscientist, published about 700 peer reviewed papers and several books, e.g., "your Brain Knows More than You Think", which became an international bestseller.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Patrick Britz
General Manager
NIRx Medical Technologies, LLC is a leading provider of comprehensive solutions for functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) research. Our non-invasive and user-friendly fNIRS technology enables the measurement of neural activity in the cortex and large-scale cortical networks, providing insights into the neural mechanisms underlying perception and cognition.
Dr. Patrick Britz holds a PhD degree in biopsychology and has worked on combining EEG and fMRI as well as on the interaction of emotion and attention. Since 2019, Patrick works as the General Manager at NIRx GmbH in Berlin, an international company that provides comprehensive life science technology solutions for the most demanding investigative applications. NIRx GmbH offers a range of products based on multi-distance spectroscopic measurements.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Christoph Bublitz
Legal Scholar
Universität Hamburg
Christoph Bublitz is a legal scholar at the University of Hamburg, working at the intersection of law, psychology, and neuroscience. He has written extensively on legal and ethical issues of neurotechnologies and is one of the PIs of the Hybrid Mind project.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Jennifer Chandler
University of Ottawa
Jennifer Chandler is a Professor of Law affiliated with the Centre for Health Law, Policy and Ethics at the University of Ottawa, Canada. Her academic role encompasses cross-appointments to the Faculty of Medicine and includes the prestigious Bertram Loeb Research Chair.The focus of Chandler's research resides in the realm of legal, ethical, and policy considerations surrounding the progression of biomedical technologies. Collaborating alongside a diverse team of experts, they delve into inquiries situated at the juncture of neuroscience, neurotechnology, law, and ethics. Additionally, she tackles complex matters arising from organ donation, transplantation, and replacement.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Frederic Gilbert
Associate Professor
University of Tasmania
Fred Gilbert is the Head of Discipline for Philosophy at the University of Tasmania and the founder of EthicsLab. His main research consists of exploring the ethics of novel implantable brain-computer interfaces operated by Artificial Intelligence (AI). He is pioneering aspects of human-computer interactions, specifically focusing on the effects of AI on an individual's sense of control, autonomy, agency, and self, including situations where individuals are undergoing treatment for neurological and psychiatric conditions such as Dementia, Severe Depression, Parkinson's, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and more. Frederic Gilbert's current research consists in exploring the ethics of novel implantable brain-computer interfaces operated by Artificial Intelligence (AI). He is a pioneer in some aspects of human-computer interactions, in particular the effects of AI on agent's sense of control, autonomy, agency and self, including while being treated for neurological and psychiatric conditions (for instance, Dementia, Severe Depression, Parkinson's, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, etc).
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Pim Haselager
Radboud University, Nijmegen
Pim Haselager is a Associate Professor at Donders Institue for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour at Radboud University. His research is centered around examining the consequences of Cognitive Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence on human self-perception. He inquiries extend to encompass the societal repercussions stemming from advancements in Central Nervous System (CNS) research and AI technologies. A distinct emphasis is placed on the realm of Robotics, Brain-Computer Interfacing, and Brain Stimulation.Of particular interest to him is the convergence of empirical investigations, which encompass activities such as experimentation, computational modeling, and robotics, with philosophical complexities related to concepts like knowledge, identity, agency, responsibility, and intelligent behaviour.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Volker Hömberg
President of the World Federation for Neurorehabilitation
Volker Hömberg is the President of the World Federation for Neurorehabilitation (WFNR) and is the Vice President of the European Federation for Neurorehabilitation (EFNR). Volker Hömberg had a medical education at the Universities of Düsseldorf and Freiburg and specialized in Neurology at Boston City Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, and at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases, London. His primary scientific interests are the fields of motor rehabilitation, cognition epistemology, neurological music therapy and pharmacology in neurorehabilitation. He has published more than 250 articles in international peer-reviewed journals and many bookchapters.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Marcello Ienca
Technische Universität München
Marcello Ienca is a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Ethics of AI and Neuroscience at the Technische Universität München. Ienca's research focuses on the ethical, legal, social, and policy implications of artificial intelligence (AI), neurotechnology, and other emerging technologies. He and his team in the AI & Neuroscience Ethics Lab use both theoretical and empirical methods to explore the conceptual foundations and practical requirements for responsible innovation at the brain-machine interface.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Manfred Jaschke
General Manager
Brain Products GmbH
Brain Products is a leading manufacturer of hardware and software solutions for neurophysiological research. It offers versatile EEG equipment to provide end-to-end solutions for laboratory and mobile applications. Brain Products works on comprehensive solutions that combines electroencephalography with brain-computer interface, brain stimulation, different modalities of functional neuroimaging, eye tracking, and more.
Manfred Jaschke has studied physics at Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University in Bonn and has received his PhD at Max-Plank-Institute for Biophysics in Frankfurt (Main). He has worked more than 15 years in medical device companies as Product Manager and Head of R&D (Schwarzer GmbH) and Director of Operations and Interim General Manager (Natus Europe GmbH) with product portfolios for neurology, sleep medicine and cardiology. At the end of 2011 he joined Brain Products GmbH as Technical Manager. Since 2018 he is one of the two general managers of Brain Products GmbH and responsible for scientific and technical innovations.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Kostas Kostarelos
University of Manchester
Kostas Kostarelos currently holds the Chair of Nanomedicine at the Faculty of Biology, Medicine & Health and the National Graphene Institute (NGI) of the University of Manchester (UK) and is the Severo Ochoa Distinguished Professor at the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2) in Barcelona (Spain). His academic journey began with studies in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at the University of Leeds and Imperial College London, focusing on liposome stabilization. He has held prominent positions in various institutions, including Cornell University and UCL School of Pharmacy, and has received multiple fellowships and awards for his work.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Patricia Krause
Medical Doctor
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
As a Senior Physician of the Inpatient Ward, Day Clinic, and Outpatient Clinic for Movement Disorders, Dr. Patricia Krause is diagnosing and treating patients across the spectrum of movement disorders, with a particular focus on dystonias and Parkinson's syndromes. With her extensive clinical experience as a neurologist specializing in neuromodulation, she investigates, analyzes, and assesses the clinical effects of deep brain stimulation in patients with movement disorders. As a result of her work with a variety of patients, including those with genetic and/or pediatric movement disorders, she is conducting research with a special focus on clinical as well as technical factors influencing the effects of deep brain stimulation.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Laura Kreiling
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Dr. Laura Kreiling is a policy analyst at the Science and Technology Policy Division of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Dr. Kreiling holds a PhD in Management Science from Université Paris-Saclay and a MSc in Strategic Project Management. She currently works in the area of science, technology and innovation policy and previously in a Knowledge Transfer Partnership in the UK and in the strategic healthcare management in the private sector in Germany.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Gerben Meynen
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Gerben Meynen is a Professor of Forensic Psychiarty at Utrecht University and a professor of Ethics with focus on Bioethics at VU University Amsterdam. He received a PhD in Philosophy and in Medicine. Since 2006, he has been a psychiatrist at GGZ in Geest, Amsterdam. Gerben Meynen is a philosopher and psychiatrist. He is professor of forensic psychiatry, Willem Pompe Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology, Utrecht University, and professor of ethics, in particular bioethics, Department of Philosophy, VU University Amsterdam. In 2021, he received a 5-year grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for the project Law and Ethics of Neurotechnology in Criminal Justice.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Julian Neumann
Professor Assistant
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Julian Neumann is a Clinician Scientist at the Movment Disorder and Neuromodulation Unit at Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Julian Neumann is a medical doctor with an expertise in invasive neurotechnology. His research group develops methods for multimodal and multidimensional data analysis for clinical neuroscience applications. Julian Neumann's current work combines computational modelling, deep learning, structural and functional connectivity mapping (fMRI), invasive (LFP/ECoG) and non-invasive (EEG/MEG) recordings, to advance the development of clinical brain computer interfaces.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Sumner Norman
Postdoctoral Fellow
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena & Convergent Research
Sumner Norman's research endeavors revolve around the restoration of capabilities to individuals grappling with neurological injuries or illnesses. During his tenure as a postdoctoral researcher at the California Institute for Technology (Caltech), they successfully formulated a novel, minimally invasive technique for achieving high-performance brain-computer interfacing, often referred to as "BCI," by leveraging ultrasound technology.He currently hold positions as a Scientist at Convergent Research and a BCI Strategist at AE Studio. Additionally, Norman maintains a visiting affiliate status at Caltech. His academic background encompasses training as an NSF graduate research fellow, specializing in mechanical and aerospace engineering. Notably, Norman's academic journey was initiated in the fields of solid state physics and mechatronics.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Michael Pauen
Humboldt-Universität Berlin
Michael Pauen is a professor of philosophy at Humboldt-Universität in Berlin and academic director of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain. His research focuses on the philosophy of the mind and the relationship between philosophy and neuroscience. In the philosophy of mind, Pauen has particularly distinguished himself by arguing for the identity theory. As the academic director of an interdisciplinary graduate school, he has extensive experience in interdisciplinary research and training. Dr. Pauen is also interested in philosophical and psychological aspects of human sociality, with a focus on social intelligence both in humans and in artificial systems.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Stanisa Raspopovic
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich
Stanisa Raspopovic is an assistant professor of neuroengineering in the Department of Health Sciences and Technology at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland. His research is focused on the development of mechatronic systems directly interfacing the environment with the residual nervous system for a range of neural disabilities. By means of the design of new neuroprostheses, he has helped arm amputees to recognize force and texture through an artificial hand, and he has recently shown that the restoration of foot and knee sensations via neural implants in above-knee amputees diminished their pain, metabolic cost, and mental fatigue, while enhancing functionality, confidence, and acceptance of the prosthesis.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Gerwin Schalk
Frontier Lab for Applied Neurotechnology Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute
Dr. Gerwin Schalk is the director of the Frontier Lab for Applied Neurotechnology, Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute, located in Shanghai, China. Dr. Schalk obtained his M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from Graz University of Technology in Austria, his M.S. in Information Technology from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in Troy, New York, and his Ph.D. in Computer and Systems Engineering from RPI. He is interested in integrating scientific, engineering, and clinical concepts to advance our understanding of the brain and to use this new understanding to develop novel neurotechnologies that improve people's lives.He authored or co-authored >130 peer-reviewed publications, one book and 17 chapters, has >25000 total citations and an H factor of 64, has given more than 230 invited lectures world-wide, and is ranked #23 in neuroscience in China. His work has been extensively showcased by the media including features on CNN, NBC, CBS, Science Channel, and articles in New York Times Magazine, Discover Magazine, Forbes, Technology Review, and Wired. He is also listed in Who's Who in the World and Who's Who in America, and received several awards for his work
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Klaus Schellhorn
Managing Director and Chief Technology Officer
neuroConn GmbH
neuroConn technology is the pioneer of combining non-invasive brain stimulation with neuroimaging. neuroConn works on neuronavigation, target engagement, closed-loop and interference stimulation methods for improving outcomes of non-invasive brain stimulation. For almost twenty years the brand has been associated with practice-oriented medical technology used in neuroscience and clinical research, as well as in the diagnosis and treatment of neuropsychological disorders.
Klaus Schellhorn is a Dipl.-Ing. for Electrical Engineering garduated from TU Ilmenau. After foundation of neuroConn GmbH in 2000 he acts as its Managing Director / CTO and had that role within neurocare group for over 5 years. He is responsible for research & development, production, service as well as purchasing and quality assurance. In this position, he is also involved in global research projects and studies on neurostimulation and neuromodulation.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Ortwin Schulte
Head of the Health Unit of Germany at the European Union
Ortwin Schulte is since 2017 Head of the Health Unit at the Permanent Representation of Germany to the European Union in Brussel. After law studies he started his career 1992 in the German Ministry of Health in the units for food law and EU coordination. From 2001 to 2005 he was Head of the Health Unit at the Federal Chancellor's Office in Berlin. From 2005 to 2007 he was Head of the EU Presidency Task Force in the German MoH before being Head of the Bilateral Relations Unit from 2008 to 2016. Since 2011 he is Associate Professor at the Medical and Pharmaceutical University in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Martin Schüttler
Chief Technology Officer
CorTec is a young medtech company that was founded in Freiburg, Germany, in September 2010 and that follows the vision to take implantable neurotechnologies to the next level. CorTec provides implantable hardware solutions to enable the communication with the brain or other parts of the nervous system, to create devices and therapies to address a variety of neurological diseases. In particular, CorTec creates new ways of communication between electrical signals of the body and modern information technology to enable customers to develop novel and effective medical devices enabling human-machine interaction.
Martin Schüttler is one of the leading scientists at the University of Freiburg and team leader at the Department of Microsystems Engineering. He was involved in the development of the CorTec technology right from the start and he is currently responsible for the coordination of all developmental work.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Surjo R. Soekadar
Einstein Professor
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Surjo R. Soekadar is Einstein Professor of Clinical Neurotechnology at the Charité-University Medicine Berlin. After studying medicine in Mainz, Heidelberg and Baltimore, he completed his residency in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the University of Tübingen, Germany. From 2008-2011 he was visiting research fellow at the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) in Bethesda, USA. In 2017, he received the venia legendiat the University of Tübingen and, in 2018, he was appointed Germany's first professor of clinical neurotechnology at the Charité in Berlin. For his scientific work, which is also funded by the European Research Council (ERC), Surjo Soekadar has received numerous awards including the International BCI Research Award and the BIOMAG and NARSAD Young Investigator Awards.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Thorsten Zander
Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg & Zander Labs
Zander Labs’ is a company working in the fields of Neuroadaptive Technology and Human-Computer Interaction, focussing on the develpment of Artificial Intelligence that directly learns from the human brain based on passive Brain-Computer Interfaces. Zander Labs works on improving the usability of EEG sensors to obtain high-quality measurements of brain activity in real-world applications and laboratory experiments, as well as on software tools that enable a "plug-and-play" use of BCI technology. The aim is to combine practical neuroengineering solutions and sparce data AI modeling to directly connect the human mind to technology, in order to make machine interaction more human.
Thorsten O. Zander is founder of the Zander Labs' and is chair for Neuroadaptive Human-Computer Interaction at the Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.

Frank Zanow
Managing Director
eemagine GmbH & ANT Neuro
ANT Neuro is a Dutch corporation specialized in being a single-source provider of high performance products within neuroscience research and neurodiagnostics. Applications include EEG, EMG, TMS and MEG technology. ANT Neuro products fuse functional brain information and anatomical scans to gain insight into the working mechanisms of cognition and a variety of brain disorders. These technologies offer a wide range of applications in cognitive neuroscience, in neurological diagnostics and diagnostics and therapy in psychiatry.
Dr Zanow studied Electrical Engineering at the TU Ilmenau in Germany and received his PhD from the University of Twente (NL) in 1997 in the field of Applied Physics. Since the establishment of ANT in 1997, Dr Zanow successfully led and expanded ANT through skillful management, building a great team focused on the development of innovative hardware and software products. To date, Dr Zanow is the CEO of several entities which have a strong presence within the global neuroscience and healthcare market.
Gianluigi M. Riva is a qualified Attorney at Law specialised in contracts, IT Law and Data Protection, holding a Marie Curie PhD in Privacy, Ethics, HCI and New Technologies obtained from the University College Dublin, School of Information and Communication Studies of the College of Social Science and Law, with a research project on consumers’ privacy protection over decision-making manipulation through invasive technologies, focused on Smart Speakers, Internet of Things, Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) and Wearable devices.